Monday, 14 April 2014

More pictures from Saturday

Martin L put together a great new BBQ on the clubhouse porch (Martin)

Instructor Spring Checks - Tom and Roger (Martin)

Taxiway just before 26 (Dan Duclos)

26 itself is dry... (Dan Duclos)

The season has begun (Dan Duclos)

Another view of the farmers' fields on the way to Bourget (a bit damp) Photo credit (unknown)

M7 is currently in the Workshop for PowerFLARM install early this week; M7's front trailer jack wheel is toast and I've picked up a replacement.  CZ will also be fitted with PowerFLARM later in the week. Chutes are being repacked and should be ready for the weekend.  We have a brand new windsock up.  Martin and Jarek have the towplanes looking great. I heard a chain saw singing near the workshop - no doubt Dan D was at it again.  Thanks to Peter and Don for their help (Don H had the record flight - half hour and 4,200' in a boomer). 

Hangar Unpack - Saturday at 9 AM/0900 hrs.  "A burden shared is half a burden".  Come help... We'll be assembling TR, M7, RM.  The two-seaters, happily, are done.

Spring Safety Meeting - Saturday after unpack - 4 PM/1600 hrs


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