Wednesday, 3 July 2013

3 July - No Contest Day

Two sniffers - Tom Hastie in an L-33, and Jarek in his 55, sniffed but were not able to get above about 2,000', since cloudbase was at 2,500'.  Too much moisture in the lower levels for enough altitude to go on task, and most fields in the area have standing water.  It is hot and humid - and we're having a great time.

When time didn't permit a task, the CD called the day.  Seven contestants launched since it was flyable anyway; none got really far, or high, one landed at a nearby airport (Plantagenet Field - about 10 km away) and got an airtow retrieve, and another landed in a field near Montreal Soaring..  Consensus is that "no contest day" was a good call.  In the heat, the pool is getting a good workout.

Scores from Practice Day 1 and 2 are now official.

Tom Hastie took time-lapse photos of the rigging and gridding:  You can see the low clouds and occasional blue sky.  Maybe tomorrow!


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