Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Lake Placid Day 4 - Tuesday 7 Oct

The forecast was not encouraging, so we had a slow start; it rained for most of the morning. We did some maintenance. We organized new 300 cu ft containers of Aviator's Breathing Oxygen (the old bottles were from 2006 and 7) to be delivered Thursday.  The Powerflarm in JCZ had a display problem (they didn't work) although the transmit/receive was ok; after some extensive troubleshooting using a known good flarm and display, the problem was traced to both displays dumping their programs... very odd.  In any case, current software was installed and is working.  The master display (changes ranges etc) is in the back, and the one in the front is slave.  We also pulled the file and did a range analysis, which turned out to be quite good (5.3 km average):
Puchacz PowerFLARM performance

The Pawnee got some TLC as well; a new tube was installed on the left main gear, by the always handy Martin.  Andre Pepin from MSC also leant a hand:
No rest for the wicked!

Dan Duclos sent some pics from Sunday's flying (nice to be the second in a two-seater and have the time to do this):

Town of Lake Placid

Airport - you can see the tiedown area to the east

You have to believe in something....

We like the Puchacz - JCZ

Just after takeoff

The leaves are at peak.  Lake Placid

Oh yes - the weather broke in the early afternoon, some golfed, some hiked, and we met for pizza at the main st pizza place (recommended), although they're not licenced (gasp).  Tomorrow's weather is looking rainy, but breaking around noon, with pretty well identical winds to Monday - so we expect to assemble and fly immediately after the rain stops in the hope that the wave is up.  Here are the climb traces for Monday's wave flying (click the pic to enlarge).  Pity the low clouds came in in the early afternoon; had it been blue, we would have had a lot of 5000 metre climbs.  Really, why aren't you here?
Altitude vs time for Monday's flights - one 5000m climb - Diamond claim!

It is currently raining (5 AM).


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