Monday, 21 July 2014

Flight Tracking Antenna Back in Service

After a short hiatus to replace coaxial cable strapping that had been eroded by the sun's UV rays, the antenna for Nick and Frank's flight tracking system was hoisted back into position on top of the main hangar. Thanks to everyone who helped lift the tower back into position.
Photo: Peter Bauer
This system is able to track gliders that carry the little GGC "black box" as far away as Brockville (over 100 km from Pendleton) and has been used extensively at Mayfly contests and at the 2013 Canadian National Soaring Championships host by GGC last year.

Photo: Peter Bauer
On good soaring days, Nick and Frank will usually hand out "back boxes" to pilots that are planning to fly cross country. With a rapid update rate and accurate 3D position data, this system has helped expose non-pilots to the dynamics and excitement of XC flying from the comfort of our clubhouse.

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