Friday, 22 May 2009

MayFly 2009!

This past Victoria Day weekend GGC was a beehive of activity as the 2009 edition of the MayFly competition got underway. The four competition days ran Friday (15th) through Monday (18th). 10 pilots/teams in a mix of single and dual seat gliders took to the skies around Pendleton to challenge the weather, and each other.
The MayFly competition was started 11 years ago as a “learning” competition to introduce novice cross country pilots to competitive soaring. A blended handicapping system that combines pilot experience with glider performance has proven quite effective in leveling the playing field amongst pilots and aircraft.
Over 2300 km were flown by all pilots over the three contest days. 1500 km on the Monday the 18th alone! Doug provides an interesting insight to the launch activities on the second contest day.

"Initially with only the Pawnee launching the contest grid, a gopher came out of his hole in the third last L-33 on the grid, saw his shadow, jumped into the Citabria and began towing gliders to hasten the launch, After a few tows this intrepid groundhog was seen racing back to his trusty L33 mount to fuss around with parachutes and cushions etc., and after a few minutes joined the other MayFly pilots on course. Special thanks "Wiarton Martin" for his enthusiasm and persistence to keep the launch grid moving! "

Morning briefings focused around analyzing the pervious days’ flights and contest flying strategies/techniques. Evening barbeques and entertainment in the clubhouse rounded out the weekend. The 2009 contest results are posted under the MayFly tab of the GGC website.
Special thanks to all who helped to make this GGC signature event such a success for 2009.
Roger "(and Doug)"

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